Founder & CoE (Chief of Everything)
Shilpa Nagaraj
Professional experience in the software realm, including product management & development. An eye for creative expression driven by a passion for entrepreneurship.
I have always loved browsing local stores. I'm fascinated by the uniqueness of every store I visit & cannot cease to marvel at the local talent reflected in various products and services.
Having lived in the triangle area for many years, I realized how little of the area I've truly explored. I know this to be the case for many more.
I also discovered that local talent extends far beyond brick & mortar fronts. The entrepreneurial flame burns passionately in small studios and homes, eager to be brought to light.
Localista was born from a need to better expose such treasures across the triangle and more.
I would love to share the stories of many aspiring entrepreneurs in their endeavors to reach a larger market.
Our Vision is to level the playing field for small local vendors by boosting their visibility.
We are building a platform that will allow you as a consumer - to Discover, Engage and Experience Local. The vision of supporting 'local' has now grown to encompass nonprofits, artisans and community events as well.
Consider us your partner in helping build your local community!